At BIOSWEEP® Cleveland, we know how difficult it can be to live in a home, work in a building, or drive in a car with foul odors. These stinky smells caused by cigarette smoke, cooking odors like curry, pets, mold and mildew can affect your life, your work, and often the value of your home or car. BIOSWEEP® Cleveland offers solutions for eliminating odors, decontaminating surfaces, and providing antimicrobial solutions that remove harsh odors from your home, office or vehicle. BIOSWEEP® Cleveland solutions are fast, effective, and safe.
Forget the Temporary Fixes
Our BIOSWEEP® Cleveland five-phase process is the only process that permanently removes odors. Sprays, fragrances, and candles temporarily mask odors. After a few minutes, the smell wears thin and the stink is once again noticeable. Steam cleaning is expensive and often insufficient for prominent odors like curry, cigarette smoke, and urine.
Our Five-Phase Treatment Process
Our equipment’s unique process, called Phocatox, combines the latest in airborne and surface contamination destruction technology. High intensity Phocatox technology eliminates airborne and surface organic molecules and microorganisms. This multi-phase process utilizes:
- HEPA filtration
- Hydroxyl radical production
- Purified O3 and vaporized gas-phase hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production
- Singlet oxygen and oxyradical plasma production
- Sterilizing germicidal UVC radiation
All these are generated internally in one portable unit to produce unparalleled decontamination capabilities on site